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What happens in an Alexander Technique Lesson?


We will start by looking at:

  • Your general reasons for seeking lessons

  • What you do on a daily basis and how this may be affecting you.

  • Any medical conditions that could be relevant

  • Any sports, physical exercise or hobbies that you pursue regularly.


In the first lesson I will explain some of he basic principles of the Alexander Technique and talk about some of the things you are likely to work on and experience during a course of lessons.


Lessons involve gentle guidance with my hands and verbal instruction. We look at any unhelpful  habits you may have developed and will work together to address how these can change.


Working in the chair 

We work together going from standing to sitting because in this way it highlights the balance between your head and neck and the co-ordination of the muscles in the neck, the back and legs and how that may need to be adjusted.


Lying Down

We will work on a firm table where you will lie in the semi-supine position with your head supported by a small pile of books in order to maintain the relationship between the head and neck and the rest of the body.  In this position gravity had been partially taken out of the equation and you no longer need to be concerned with supporting yourself.


Other Activities

As lessons progress will look at walking, crawling, bending, lifting, breathing, sitting at the computer and any other activities that may be relevant to you and your lifestyle. Musicians bring their instruments to work with and runners, cyclists and swimmers look at ways of improving these activities in relation to Alexander Technique principles.


  • The Alexander Technique is a process of re-education enabling us to become more aware of what we are doing and how we do it and to redress unhelpful patterns. During lessons we work towards integrating new patterns of use.

  • This is a subtle process helping to release muscular tension, address postural reflexes and to experience a greater sense of freedom, poise and balance.


Getting you to think about what is happening in your body and how you are going to approach movement is part of a retraining process working subtly with your nervous system.  This gives you something to go away with and come back to in-between lessons, so that you can put into practice what you have been taught and to start working on yourself.


After a lesson people often feel lighter, taller and much more self-aware about their body and how they use it.


Lessons last for 40 minutes. Please contact me to discuss costs. Some concessionary lessons are available for those on a reduced income.

Alexander Technique Lesson
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